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Vast Oil And Gas Reserves Found In Antarctica!

Posted on 20th May 2024

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This article on The Telegraph reports that Russia has discovered enormous fossil fuel reserves in Antarctica, much of which is in the British Antarctic Territory. These reserves are about 10 times the size of the North Sea reserves.

Many people are understandably concerned that there will now be attempts to extract these fuels, which would cause untold damage to the wildlife in and around Antarctica.

My question is, why was anyone even looking for oil down there, given that:

  • The 1959 Antarctic Treaty bans all mineral or oil developments in Antarctica,
  • Russia cannot even sell the oil and gas that it has already developed, because of the sanctions imposed since the invasion of Ukraine, and has no need to find more,
  • We have a climate change crisis, due mainly to burning too much fossil fuel, and scientists have calculated that we do not dare to use even the reserves that we have already discovered if we are to save our planet and ourselves.

The problem, of course, is that both Russia and Britain are desperate for income, and are unlikely to let environmental concerns and treaty commitments interfere with making a quick buck.